Southwest Middle School


  • Refer to the RCAS Middle School Activity Facebook page for up-to-date information regarding activity schedules.
  • The RCAS Calendar provide additional information about schedules and activities.
  • Many coaches have a Google Classroom that contains the season schedule along with current announcements.


Explore Extra Curricular Activity Options.

Week of January 6th

Activities 6-Jan-2024 7-Jan-2024 8-Jan-2024 9-Jan-2024 10-Jan-2024
Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Girls Choice   (Heinis) NO PRACTICE NO PRACTICE Meeting 3:15     (Coach Heinis Room) NO PRACTICE
6th BBB (Gabs,Lamb) NO PRACTICE Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 NO PRACTICE NO PRACTICE
7th BBB A             (Templeton) Meeting 3:15 Gym Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 6:15 AM 3:15-4:30
7th BBB  Purple           (Vidas) Meeting 3:15 Gym Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 6:15 AM 3:15-4:30
7th BBB Silver           (Kinowski) Meeting 3:15 Gym Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 6:15 AM 3:15-4:30
8th BBB A    (G.Johnson) Meeting 3:15 Gym Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 3:15-4:30 6:15 AM
8th BBB Purple  (Sack) Meeting 3:15 Gym Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 3:15-4:30 6:15 AM
8th BBB Silver (Chalberg) Meeting 3:15 Gym Stevens Coaches Clinic 3:30 3:15-4:30 6:15 AM

Week of December 13th

Activities 16-Dec-2024 17-Dec-2024 18-Dec-2024 19-Dec-2024
Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Wrestling    (Chapman,Hagen) 3:15-4:30 Pictures 3:15 3:15-4:30 All-City at East 4:00
7th GBB A             (Olson) 6:15 AM At South 4:00 NO PRACTICE NO PRACTICE
7th GBB  Purple           (Ferdinand) 6:15 AM*CD At SW 4:00 NO PRACTICE NO PRACTICE
7th GBB Silver           (Sack) 6:15 AM At SW 4:00 NO PRACTICE NO PRACTICE
8th GBB A    (Templeton) 3:15-4:30*CD At South 5:15 NO PRACTICE NO PRACTICE